Monday, December 2, 2013

It's been a while.

It has been a while since I have blogged, I am so used to VLOGGING, that I don't really get on here much and put my words into writing.
BUT, if you follow me on YOUTUBE then you know that Emma was born, and Dexter is a big brother. We film everyday and upload them to youtube, (I will put a link) and it is easier on a mom of 2 than to sit down and write, because frankly I hardly have the time to. Speaking of... I hear Dexter now getting into something, I believe the new hamster cage.... SO I will get off here and handle that...
Don't forget to LIKE the Melsdorkdiaries page on facebook, and SUBSCRIBE to Melsdorkdiaries on youtube. :-)

Monday, June 17, 2013

"If I Go Home I'll Smoke You A Bowl"

A few nights at work, I was sitting at my desk, and this is the conversation I heard from the back rooms... ENJOY!!

"I am a Soldier, you better respect me!!"

"I am a F-ing Christian, come on man!!" (NICE)

"If I go home tonight, I'll smoke you a bowl, dude."

"You don't know who you are messing with, I killed President John Kennedy, AND Jesus."

"I got here at, like, 12:30 because I was walking to the liquor store, so it's gotta be at least 2 or 3 in the morning." (IT WAS ACTUALLY 10:30)

"I am a Jew, so I can't hate Jesus, but I do when I'm depressed."

"Hey, I know your wife, it's Susan isn't is." (NAMES HAVE BEEN CHANGED) "You screwed my wife??" "No, dude, I know your wife" "That's good, because I love that girl, I worship that girl, I even kiss her feet sometimes." "She's one lucky bitch, dude, you're a romantic." (OH YES, LUCKY INDEED, HE'S TAKEN SORRY LADIES)

"Why am I wet?" "Dude, I heard them say you pissed yourself when you got here." "Oh, Ok, at least someone else didn't piss on me, I guess." (REALLY)

"Baby Jesus was born in water, they just left that part out of the bible."

I have a confession...


As most (or all) of you know, I am pregnant with my second baby. I am currently 28 weeks and (I don't know how many days pregnant).
Here's the thing.. Sometimes pregnancy isn't for everyone. That do not mean that I don't love my kids, because I love Dexter and little unborn Emma more than I ever thought possible. I can't imagine my life without them, nor do I want to. They are the best thing that I can call my own, and the fact that they are 100% blood related means the world to me, because I lost the person that was that close to me, so it is a special bond, not saying that I think any less of my other siblings because my little sister is one of my best friends but it's just different. I have always wanted to have a boy and a girl, in that order, and that is happening so it makes everything in my life so beautiful.
HOWEVER... I just don't like being pregnant. Let me elaborate...

Everyone gets excited for the baby, and talk about how the expectant mother is "glowing" and so beautiful, and "all baby" (What does that even mean??) I'll tell you what it means, its a nice way of saying you're fat!! This is my second pregnancy and I don't feel "glowy" (I didn't with my first either) I don't feel "so beautiful, all baby," or any other saying that people use. I feel fat, hot, tired, mean, moody, weepy, angry at the drop of a hat, and the slightest thing can make me cry. I don't like to be touched and people gravitate to a pregnant woman's belly like a moth to a flame.. "No random Wal-Mart lady you can not touch my stomach, don't even ask." 

This pregnancy I have been sick 98% of the time (that is NOT an exaggeration), I have thrown up more times that I can count, it's a scene straight from the 'Exorcist', pea soup and all. (Actually it's more like a rainbow soup because I drink A LOT of Ocean Water from Sonic, and Cherry Limeades which are blue and red). My all time favorite so far, is when I puked blue spaghetti. That was pretty interesting, considering the spaghetti went in red. (I drank an Ocean Water that night). It was also a night that I had to work, so there I am sitting at my desk at work, on midnight shift, answering the phones and radios, leaning over puking into the trash can, answering phones and radios, leaning over and puking into the trash can. I literally puked once and hour on the hour that night. IT SUCKED!!!
When I'm not puking, I have heartburn. I can drink a glass of water, and get heartburn. WHO DOES THAT?? Heartburn from water.. really... YES REALLY, so I get heartburn from Dr. Pepper or Ocean Water (which has Sprite in it) no... just WATER!!! And I try not to complain because there isn't anything anyone can do about it until I have the baby so I just suffer in silence.
Breathing has been an issue for me too. Apparently my baby likes to sit on my lungs, which is cool, because I don't need to air to live or anything. I literally can't take a deep breathe. I'm convinced that she is going to be born our of my mouth because that is seriously how high into my ribs she is.
I get dizzy a lot, usually right before I puke everywhere. Take right now for instance, as I am typing this the room is spinning, I feel like I have been on a boat for the last 4 days, sea sick, light headed, etc.. but I haven't.. I'm just pregnant. My iron is low, I took my iron pills this morning, but puked those up. I just don't like being pregnant. I'm not a good pregnant person. Half way into it I'm like "I'M DONE... LET'S HAVE THE KID SO WE CAN MOVE ON." But it doesn't work like that.
(I had to stop my thought process during this blog so I could get sick... again, and now I don't remember where I was or what I was saying other than I am NOT a good pregnant person.)

Monday, May 27, 2013

A New Blog... WHAT??!!

"I'm going to post every single day" I said, "It will be AWESOME!!" I said.
Yeah well it's harder than I thought. Sometimes I forget to blog about things, sometimes I don't have anything going on that is remotely interesting to talk about. Maybe those days I could post just pictures. Would you all like that? HEY 3 READERS... Would you like that??

Okay anyways, this week my mom was in town. Dexter and I spent I think Thursday, Friday, Saturday over at my Memaw's house visiting them. (Them being Memaw and my mom). We had a blast. Friday night (was it Friday, Yeah I think it was Friday), Friday night Shane came over there with us to eat dinner, and then we went on the worlds longest walk. It was seriously the longest walk we have taken. Dexter loved it, he was scared of seeing spiders on the road, but we didn't.
Saturday, we went back over there, and my mom and Memaw found Dexter a little box turtle, he named Surprise. Long story short.. We now have a pet turtle named Surprise.

Sunday we went to Shane's parents for Memorial Day. We had smoked food. It was delicious, we got to visit with family, it was just a really fun day. But alas the fun ended when I had to go to work. (BOO), and i got off work this morning, (Or yesterday morning as in Monday, by the time I post this time sure it will be Tuesday morning early), so I got off work this morning at 6:00, and went straight to bed, after facebooking that my house smelled like soup. I don't know why it was weird. It wasn't even good soup either.
Woke up at 10:30 am, went to Shane's uncle's house because they were having a little get together, swam, ate, came home took a long nap (we are all sunburned, and I know I am the only one that will still be red tomorrow. Dexter and Shane will be brown *sigh*) the heat zapped me today. I am still tired, but I am at work now, again, and I am blogging... again. So That was my week/weekend, I told you it wasn't anything interesting.

If I would have posted everything in 3 or 4 posts nobody would be reading anymore. So I have this idea.. a lot of people are doing this now, (nobody I know personally), but I am thinking about vlogging, not really like making a video diary, where its like "Oh hey guys, my day went like this," but more of a film throughout the day and edit it all together at the end of the day, and upload it to youtube. I think that would be fun. Then I could get Dexter's funny sayings on film, and all that stuff. So tell me what you think, does that sound good? Something people would want to watch? I don't know, I am the worlds biggest critic, so I'm worried I'm not funny, or people will think "OMG this girl is stupid... SHUT UP STUPID!!" Yeah I don't know, I'm pretty tired still.

OH, I almost forgot, I am apparently 85 years old and I am currently in the process of getting all of the recipes I use, printing them off onto index cards and putting them into a filed box, it is taking forever, but once I am finished it will be AWESOME!!! Yes I am excited about it. That's why I am 85!

On that note I am going to get back to work. So it looks like I will get to post this on Sunday night... You everything I wrote before about Monday morning being Tuesday morning or whatever, just ignore that.

Monday, May 20, 2013

Pray for Oklahoma

Today in Moore, Oklahoma (roughly 2 hours from the town I live in) there have been devastating tornadoes. It is so bad they are no longer doing "search and rescue" actions, they are performing "recovery" actions. An elementary school was hit and last I heard there were at least 20 children, I can't even finish that sentence. It's just too heartbreaking.
My husband, son and I sat at the house this evening watching the devastation happen, as well as them start efforts to clean up the debris. I tried to imagine what it was like to look around and see nothing but what used to be your home, your town, your life. These victims have nothing now, they have literally lost everything. That is when I felt this major urge to help in some way. I thought "What would I need if I had just lost everything?" Then it hit me, the first thing people NEED is clothes, and shoes. They are walking around in this debris, with nails, and boards and other harmful things. Their clothes are drenched, and dirty. They need these things to feel a little more human.
We have several big boxes of clothes, womens, mens, and a few baby clothes that we have been saving for a garage sale. We don't have a garage sale planned, and they are sitting there, I decided right then that I am going to donate all the clothes and shoes that I can to help. I would want someone to help me if I were in that situation, and I feel very strongly that it will help. Even if I am able to help one person after this disaster then that is all I need.

This evening I have also received several Facebook messages, photo tags, friend requests etc.. in reference to a 3 year old boy who is at a hospital in Oklahoma City, whose mother is Melanie Thompson.
I am not that Melanie Thompson. My 3 year old (almost) was at home with my husband and I all evening. I would like to report that I read 5 hours ago that the right Melanie Thompson, has been located and she and her husband are back with their little boy at the hospital and everyone is safe.
Once I started getting those messages I hugged Dexter a little tighter, and once the death totals started rising, my hugs got a little tighter again.

Having gotten those messages about a 3 year old who knew his parents names, Shane and I sat down with Dexter and asked him what our names were, it went a little like this...
"Dexter, what is your daddy's name?"
"No, his real name is Shane, you just call him Daddy because he is your Daddy. What is Mommy's name?"
"Mommy's real name is Melanie."
"Oh, Melanie?"
"Yes that's right, so if you get lost you can tell someone my mommy's name is Melanie"
"I call you Melanie, not Mommy?"
"No you still call me Mommy"
"No, I call you Melanie, Baby, and Honey now."
To Shane, "Well this conversation didn't go as planned."
To which Dexter replied, "Nope........ Melanie."

I had to end this on a cheerful note. PS: Everyone please pray for Moore, Oklahoma.

Uh Oh, Oh No!!

My title is because of the "bug" going around my house.
In my last blog I said that I would make an update every single day. Well things have been hectic, and I haven't been able to. I had to work Friday night (2p-10p), Saturday I got called in to work Night shift (10p-6a), and I normally work on Sunday (10p-6a) and Monday (10p-6a) which gets me home for the week with Dex on Tuesday morning after sleeping for a few hours, and napping for a few hours in the evenings. So my schedule this weekend has been a little off. I usually only work Sunday and Monday, but it's extra money and that never hurt anyone.

In my last post, I believe I wrote about Dexter's accidents. (I can't really remember, I am exhausted and days run together when you work night shift, plus "pregnancy" brain doesn't help either) Anyway, at some point this weekend, my household caught a "bug" that is apparently going around. Shane has been sick for about 2 days now, and Dexter comes in waves of feeling fine to "my tummy hurts bad momma". So since he has had explosive # 2's we haven't really potty trained this weekend. I think it is a little too much on him to worry about going to the potty as well as having a major potty accident when he doesn't feel good. I just hope this bug decides to skip over me.

That being said, I work tonight my normal night (10p-6a) like I said before, and tomorrow I will get home, sleep for a few hours, get up, take Dex to Memaws, and go to my ultrasound. I am doing a 4D ultrasound at a technology school. Apparently the students need pregnant women to practice scanning on so they can graduate, and I said I would volunteer. I am pretty excited about that. We get to see Emma Olivia tomorrow at 1:00, get more pictures of her and see her in 4D (I don't know why they don't call it 3D). I wonder if she will look like Dexter did, I'm sure she will look more feminine but I just wonder what she looks like AHH!! I am so excited now. I can't wait till 1:00 tomorrow.

Ok, well I am going to go upstairs and take a nap with Punky (Dexter), he was watching Clifford but now he is laying in the living room floor with his "B"(blankey), which tells me he is about nap ready!

Until Tomorrow (most likely evening, so I can put Emma's pictures on here).

Friday, May 17, 2013

2 Steps Forward, 5 Steps Back?

Do you ever have days where you feel like you are here ^ and the world is -------------------- way over ^?

Yeah that is how I have felt today, I felt like I had so much to do, and no time to get it done in. Surprisingly I did get everything done. I think it was just knowing that I had to be at work at 2 pm today and work all evening. Either way, I managed to get everything done that was on my list, and my husband was also able to get everything done on his list (a list I made him) too.

Since I had so much to get done today, and having to be at work in the middle of the afternoon, I didn't focus on Dexter's potty training much. I know, I know that is so awful of me but his grandma watched him for most of the afternoon, and she has 3 kids, they all play together, and I just thought to avoid accidents in the kids' bedrooms then he could just wear a pull up. Don't worry, tomorrow it is back to the normal potty training, FOR SURE!!
Yesterday, he would go pee in the potty, get his sticker, cheer and go back to play. I don't know if he was emptying his entire bladder or not, but it seems like 15 minutes later he would be shouting "I'm peeing, Momma, I'm peeing!!!" Either why he was running to the bathroom, or while standing there like a deer in the headlights in a puddle. I would just say "Uh Oh, you had an accident, they happen sometimes" change his unders and put him on the toilet, and start the process all over again. I know accidents are bound to happen, but it is a bit overwhelming when they happen all at once. Seemingly in the same hour. But the silver lining is that he is recognizing when he is peeing and that he doesn't like his pants wet, and he needs to go to the bathroom. So maybe we aren't taking 5 steps back, maybe its just like 4 and a half.

On a more "adult" note, our house in NY is on the market to be sold, we are trying our hardest to sell it so we can buy the house we want here, but it's just a waiting game. A very stressful waiting game. I don't like not knowing exactly what they are doing with the selling process, but even if we still lived there, we wouldn't know anything until someone made an offer on it. So we are just praying every night, day, minute, hour, second, that someone comes along and makes us an amazing offer that we can't refuse. (On this the day of my daughters wedding) Sorry I couldn't resist a "Godfather" reference.

I suppose that is a good place to end this blog, not very entertaining, but its more of an update. I am very proud of myself for writing every day, my goal is to have a blog every day. Here's to goals!!
Dex and Daddy flying Daddy's new helicopter.

Nana's toes, Dex thought this was the funniest thing EVER

So funny that he had to make some smiley's on his fingers. 

Dexter and Daddy. July 2011

This is how long his hair was before we cut it in November 2012

Riding in Poppy's jeep. He loves riding in the jeep.