Monday, June 17, 2013

I have a confession...


As most (or all) of you know, I am pregnant with my second baby. I am currently 28 weeks and (I don't know how many days pregnant).
Here's the thing.. Sometimes pregnancy isn't for everyone. That do not mean that I don't love my kids, because I love Dexter and little unborn Emma more than I ever thought possible. I can't imagine my life without them, nor do I want to. They are the best thing that I can call my own, and the fact that they are 100% blood related means the world to me, because I lost the person that was that close to me, so it is a special bond, not saying that I think any less of my other siblings because my little sister is one of my best friends but it's just different. I have always wanted to have a boy and a girl, in that order, and that is happening so it makes everything in my life so beautiful.
HOWEVER... I just don't like being pregnant. Let me elaborate...

Everyone gets excited for the baby, and talk about how the expectant mother is "glowing" and so beautiful, and "all baby" (What does that even mean??) I'll tell you what it means, its a nice way of saying you're fat!! This is my second pregnancy and I don't feel "glowy" (I didn't with my first either) I don't feel "so beautiful, all baby," or any other saying that people use. I feel fat, hot, tired, mean, moody, weepy, angry at the drop of a hat, and the slightest thing can make me cry. I don't like to be touched and people gravitate to a pregnant woman's belly like a moth to a flame.. "No random Wal-Mart lady you can not touch my stomach, don't even ask." 

This pregnancy I have been sick 98% of the time (that is NOT an exaggeration), I have thrown up more times that I can count, it's a scene straight from the 'Exorcist', pea soup and all. (Actually it's more like a rainbow soup because I drink A LOT of Ocean Water from Sonic, and Cherry Limeades which are blue and red). My all time favorite so far, is when I puked blue spaghetti. That was pretty interesting, considering the spaghetti went in red. (I drank an Ocean Water that night). It was also a night that I had to work, so there I am sitting at my desk at work, on midnight shift, answering the phones and radios, leaning over puking into the trash can, answering phones and radios, leaning over and puking into the trash can. I literally puked once and hour on the hour that night. IT SUCKED!!!
When I'm not puking, I have heartburn. I can drink a glass of water, and get heartburn. WHO DOES THAT?? Heartburn from water.. really... YES REALLY, so I get heartburn from Dr. Pepper or Ocean Water (which has Sprite in it) no... just WATER!!! And I try not to complain because there isn't anything anyone can do about it until I have the baby so I just suffer in silence.
Breathing has been an issue for me too. Apparently my baby likes to sit on my lungs, which is cool, because I don't need to air to live or anything. I literally can't take a deep breathe. I'm convinced that she is going to be born our of my mouth because that is seriously how high into my ribs she is.
I get dizzy a lot, usually right before I puke everywhere. Take right now for instance, as I am typing this the room is spinning, I feel like I have been on a boat for the last 4 days, sea sick, light headed, etc.. but I haven't.. I'm just pregnant. My iron is low, I took my iron pills this morning, but puked those up. I just don't like being pregnant. I'm not a good pregnant person. Half way into it I'm like "I'M DONE... LET'S HAVE THE KID SO WE CAN MOVE ON." But it doesn't work like that.
(I had to stop my thought process during this blog so I could get sick... again, and now I don't remember where I was or what I was saying other than I am NOT a good pregnant person.)

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