Monday, May 13, 2013

Hello Pilgrim.

Hello Pilgrim! That is my sad attempt at a John Wayne impression, I don't do impressions.

My last post was in 2011, it is now May of 2013, A LOT has happened since my last post. I will try to make my "life update" as short and sweet as possible.
Here is goes... We no longer live in New York.
That is about it. Just kidding, a few more things have happened along the way. Like I said, we no longer live in New York, if someone told me that I would only live there for a year and a half I would have laughed and called them crazy, however, we only lived there for a year and a half, and we are back in Oklahoma, where we belong. Home is where the heart is and our hearts have ALWAYS been in Oklahoma. You can have all the money in the world, but if you don't have family or friends, its pointless. Granted, that isn't the reason why we moved back. Let's just say it was the best move for our family.

I only work part time at my old job (which I am loving), 2 days a week, on the midnight shift. It works out so well with our schedules because we don't have to get a sitter for Dexter, because when I am working, my husband is home (sleeping) so Dexter can stay with him, and when he is working, during the week, I am home. Most people would probably think "How can you work over nights with a toddler, when do you sleep", blah blah blah, well Dexter still takes naps, he HAS to have one every day and they are anywhere from 2 to 3 hours long. So I do get sleep. That is the least of my worries, it really doesn't bother me at all.

Moving on to Dexter, he is 2 (almost 3 if you ask him), and he is a ball of fire. He is ALL boy. He loves all things cars, dirt, bugs, you name it. He is very intelligent for his age, I will hold full conversations with him, and when people hear us talking they can't believe that he isn't even 3 yet. Some people have actually told me "My 4 year old won't hold a conversation that long." I have always talked to him, and explained what we are doing, even when he was too young to really know what was going on, and I NEVER used "baby talk". He is a little person, so why wouldn't I talk to him like a normal person.

Now for the newest addition, I am currently 24 weeks pregnant with baby # 2, a little girl. We are going to name her Emma Olivia. Dexter picked out Emma, and we loved it. Emma and Dex sound so good together too. So a little on this pregnancy. Honestly, it has sucked. I am not by any means saying that I am not excited to have my baby girl, or that I don't like being pregnant with her, its just that I have been sick from week 4 to lets say week 20, and then the sickness eased up a little, until the night before last and last night. I haven't puked this time (knock on wood) but from week 4 to 20, I was couldn't keep even water down. I had to get on medication to help me keep food down, (which I still take occasionally) I lost 13 pounds from the time I got pregnant until my 20th week doctors appointment. I have gained back 3 pounds, but I am nowhere near my pre-pregnancy weight. I talked to my doctor about that and he said Emma is growing perfectly and is healthy as can be, and he isn't worried. (She is kicking like crazy right now too, I think she knows I am writing about her.) We have an ultrasound on May 21st, but its just for fun, a friend of mine goes to school at American Institute of Medical Technology and they needed pregnant people to scan for ultrasound training so I said I would do it. Its free and I will get some more pictures of my sweet girl.

That is pretty much my last 2 years in a nutshell, a very small nutshell. Anyway, I plan on blogging as much as possible, I have forgotten how much I loved to blog and how fun it was. That being said I am going to end this blog.

Until next time.
(See you later Pilgrim... Still not good at impressions)    

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