Friday, April 1, 2011

Otters and Ear Infections.

Mom is here in NY this week. She arrived on Wednesday and leaves Tuesday. We have been busy laughing and playing with Dexter. Actually with Dexter crawling and mom running up and down the stairs to her room she must be getting quite the work out. I think she loves it here. I love having her here. Its something I feel that we both needed with an upcoming difficult time ahead of us both. April and May is hard for everyone in our family so it is good to be here with her and Dexter and Shane and be able to see them laugh and play.
Shane and I think Dexter might be getting an ear infection. He has been pulling at his ears, mostly his left one but sometimes the right. At first I thought that he might have just now found them because feeling something strange on the side of your head could keep drawing someones attention to it, but then this morning he was kind of crying when he was holding it, so I am thinking infection now. Poor baby. Good thing our insurance kicked in today. YAY!! I guess we will be going to the doctor next week after mom leaves. Unless she wants to go with me to the doctor with him and get checked out on Monday.
Today I took her to Sodus Bay lighthouse. I know she has always loved lighthouses. Since Dex is kinda puny I stayed in the car with him while she walked out on the pier and to the lighthouse in the cold wetness. She took some amazing pictures. As she was walking back to the car she jumped off the peir onto the beach and almost stepped on an Otter. Yes, an Otter. He kinda spazzed out and dove into the water, but not before she could get a picture of it. It was a crazy day. I just wanted to update a little. Dexter is yelling for a bottle now so I am going to go and get him set up for an afternoon nap.
Good Day everyone. (PS. The Otter thing isn't an April Fools either. It really happened)

1 comment:

  1. Unless he is allergic to pencillin, welcome to the world of pink medicine. We had a bottle of it in the fridge most of the time. Then, sometime out in the future, you will get the tubes talk from the Doctor. The eustacean tubes in his ears silly not yours. The doctors will insert little vent tubes in his ears and that will way cut down on the ear infections. The ear infections get really bad if Dex goes to preschool. I wouldn't wait until Monday to call the Doctor. He will wake you us screaming with pain and you will wish you had seen the Doctor today.
