Monday, April 25, 2011


Update from my last post, it turns out that Dex didn't have an ear infection, but his fascination with them has gotten a little worse, but its not like he is in pain. He will flip them when he is tired or going to sleep. Its quite funny.
So I have been thinking a lot lately about some of my friends back home. I always think about them but lately it has been a lot more than usual. My best friend is having her baby shower the 30th, and I wish I could be there. I was wanting to fly down for a few days but I didn't realize that the weekend of her baby shower I promised I would watch Shane's little brother and sisters for his mom so she can go to Washington State to see his big sister and her other grandkids up there. I know that the 30th is a weekend and his dad is off on weekends, but if i were able to go I would come back on like the 5th or 6th of May, and his mom isn't coming back until the 3rd which is a Tuesday and nobody would be there to watch the kids. Oh well!
Dexter is almost 9 months old, and he is pulling up and trying to walk on his own. He is so tiny looking when he tries to walk like a big boy. It doesn't seem like by 6 lb 11 oz baby boy should be that big. I guess they grow up and there is nothing I can do about that.
He has 4 teeth, his 2 tops are starting to come in and you can feel the sharp little things. He will grit his teeth together and they will make that awful sound. I know it has to be painful for him growing 2 at a time, but that noise drives me nuts.
We got a metal detector and have been finding some pretty cool stuff in our back yard, I think if its nice this weekend we may go to the beach and try it out there. Anyways, I just wanted to update a little bit, but now I have to give little man a bath, so I will write a little more later. :-)

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