Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Dexter's updates.

When I first brought Dexter home from the hospital, I thought having a newborn was the hardest thing ever. Waking up every few hours to feed him, not getting sleep, making sure he wasn't face down when I layed him on his tummy. Pretty difficult stuff.
Well I have come to the conclusion that having a pre-toddler is worse than a newborn. He is into EVERYTHING!!! The dogs food, under the tables, stuck behind the couch, trying to get the playstation cords, trying to get any cords in general, trying to get the remote, if he can't get to that he will change the channel on the DVR box. Crawling into walls, door frames, dressers. Throwing a fit when he is sitting up and bumping his head on the ground. And all this happened within a 2 hour time frame. He is a handful. But he is my little handful and I love him more than anything.
He had 2 bottom teeth that came in within days of each other, and those suckers are sharp. He will bite the piss out of you. I am scared to hand feed him food. So I let him do it himself. He hasn't bitten himself yet, but I know its coming and it will be funny.
He is going through a phase where, I will tell him NO NO and he will of course keep on doing what I told him not to, so I will pat his hand or leg and say NO NO and he will "faint" in the floor, face down, and just lay there for a second. Well the other day he did that and he layed there for maybe 5 minutes, and I thought aww I hurt his feelings. I felt horrible. So I went to pick him up and say sorry, well he had a lady bug smashed in his hand and the remains of another one around his mouth. He wasn't upset at all that I got onto him, he was eating lady bugs. Oh well.
He is 22.5 pounds as of yesterday. I finally bought a bathroom scale, and weighed him. He is a big guy. I know babies that are a year old and weigh less than he does. He's just big boned. I had to install his big boy carseat yesterday. His infant one only holds up to 18 pounds, he loves his big carseat, he can see out the back window now and LOVES looking outside, as long as there aren't any birds to scare him. Well on that note I am going to go, he is in the living room and it is awefully quite.......

Nothing better than cuddling with your best friend.
He is mommys little red headed baby boy.
REALLY stuck behind the couch.
Just a little stuck.

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