Friday, October 15, 2010

First Blog

This is my first blog about my son, Dexter. I thought I would let everyone know about him, and what he has gone through, then I will post pictures from when he was born until now. (There will be some sad pictures of him when he was really sick, but I want this blog to be about him, and even though its sad, it is something he had to go through so it is part of him). I will try to make this as short and sweet as possible to catch everyone up.

Dexter Hume Thompson was born July 27, 2010, at 8:08pm after about I'd guess 36 hours of labor. He was 19 1/2 inches long, and weighed 6lb 11oz. When he was born he was 3 weeks early and had water on his right lung, so he had to go to the NICU on July 28th, he was put on a CPAP machine (which stands for Continuous Positive Airway Pressure), basically it blows air into your lungs and drys them up, or helps you breathe. On the 29th, in the evening his lungs collapsed and he had to have 2 chest tubes put in, one in each lung. Then he was put on the ventilator, and a feeding tube. (At this point in my tale the days all run together, so I don't know how long he was on the ventilator).
After a few days he was taken off the ventilator and he was put on a nasal cannula, and had a feeding tube. After a few days with that, he would pull it from his nose and suck on it, he liked having the air in his mouth, he thought it was his binky.
Since my days ran together I don't know how long he was on the cannula either, but after a few days he got off that and we moved his feeding tube to his nose so he could try bottle feeding, and he took to that like a fish takes to the water. After I think it was 3 days of bottle feeding we got to go home.
We went home on Aug. 15, 2010, 1 day before his due date. It was the scariest thing that has ever happened to me. I love him so much, and I have loved him from the moment I found out I was pregnant and the thought of anything happening to him just killed me. I prayed so hard for that little man, so did everyone in our family.

Now Dexter is almost 3 months old, cooing, laughing, playing, and smiling. If you saw him today you wouldn't even think that he was so sick when he was born. He is the most amazing thing that has ever happened to me. I love him more than anything else in this entire world, and that is why I want to make this blog because I want to world to love him too. :-)

My next post will be only pictures of when he was first born until today.
Until next time...

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